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Coming from a humble middle-class family, my life has been full of hard work and challenges. This persistent hard work and stress started to take a toll on my skin. I began experiencing acne, redness, and various other skin problems. This became a constant struggle and made me desperate to find a solution. I tried almost every skincare product available in the market and consulted countless dermatologists. Nothing was working for me. Instead, many products laden with harsh chemicals worsened my skin. Having flawless skin became a quest for me.

My work took me to numerous countries around the world, including Kuwait, Dubai, and the UK. During this extensive travel, my quest for the perfect solution continued. Meeting various skin experts and learning about numerous ingredients made me understand what truly works for the skin. In Kuwait, I discovered the value of natural ingredients and how they heal and nourish the skin. These insights, alongside various skin practices, revealed secret formulations that are mild and gentle in nature.

Through research and experimentation, I discovered a combination of natural ingredients that worked like magic on my skin. Then I decided to share my personal breakthrough with the rest of the world, with all those countless people who are struggling with their skin problems like I did. This is how “Elevation” was born! Our formulations are free from harsh chemicals, enriched with natural ingredients, and are gentle on the skin. We have crafted products to address various skin problems safely and effectively. Elevation believes in healing and rejuvenating the skin with nature and love. Our mission is to restore your confidence and natural glow. We embark on the journey to healthy, radiant, and glowing skin. Join us!